What to wear to your family photoshoot

Here is the MOST USEFUL blog I will ever post. I get asked this question by almost every client. If they didn’t ask, it’s probably because they read my blog and already know what to wear. So!!!! Here we go.

You might be surprised to read this.

Do you use an upcoming family photoshoot as an opportunity to go shopping? I sure would like to, but I have three kids and that can add up really quick for a family of 5. Your session cost should be the ONLY THING you spend your money on.

Ok fine! I won’t go shopping before my session.

I’m here to help you! Go through your existing wardrobe and find your favorite outfit. That will be your starting point. Women and moms are known to worry a lot about their body images (You shouldn’t though, you look amazing!!!!). If your outfit is simple, then you can choose a patterned outfit for another person in your family. If your outfit has a pattern then I will recommend that your spouse or children have simple outfits in the same color scheme.

Color what?

Color schemes are color arrangements or combinations that are flattering together. This honestly depends on the time of the year you are having your family session. For example, Christmas sessions are known for red schemes. Spring sessions, you might want to wear lighter colors. Fall sessions, you can wear something that will be contrasting to the beautiful foliage. Head over to the internet and search for color scheme ideas to give you a starting point.

Here is my little secret.

My kids already have clothes in their closets that I purchase with the intention of using for our portrait sessions. I buy them during sales at specific times of the year. When I do our back-to-school shopping, for example, I always make sure they have basic pieces, like a white and a black t-shirt, jeans, dressier items for the Holidays etc. I can always add a colorful scarf or cute jacket to those staple pieces. Sometimes I even borrow items from friends. Why not! If you have a family session every year, then plan ahead of time.

Should we match?

Yes and no. It depends. Let me explain. If everyone has a matching white t-shirt and jeans and you didn’t have to go shopping, then yes, do it! These outfits will show off more of everyone's facial emotions because the outfits are not standing out. If your family is eccentric and full of energy, then having colorful outfits that match their personalities might be best. If you are including the family in the decisions it can be harder to coordinate the colors together. I recommend you ask everyone to choose their 3 favorite outfits and then choose from there. Don’t forget, these are YOUR PORTRAITS! You will be printing them, hanging them on your walls, decorating you home with them, etc. If you want my opinion I will always be there to help, but you are looking at these pictures on a daily basis. You have to love what you are wearing first.

I’m still lost. HELP!

Here is something I do for my own home. All my prints, and I really mean ALL, are black and white. It is a personal choice, but I prefer the colorless photos on my walls. I find that my kids facial features are better portrayed because there are no distracting colors to look at. When you receive your digital album you will have both color and b/w portraits of all your poses. So if this sounds like something you would do, stop worrying about what to wear and enjoy your family time at your session. I really hope this helps!


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